Trichoderma Bio Fungicide in India for Soil Born Diseases Management
Trichoderma fungus is a beneficial that helps to protect your plants against molds and bacteria. These tough little funguses are standing up against root rot and gray mold, protecting from loss of your crops. They create a barrier that makes it impossible for harmful bacteria and pathogens to pass through. Trichoderma surrounds the roots of your plant releasing compounds that activate their natural systems of defense.

Trichoderma bio fungicide is most effective for all plant and vegetable forms such as cauliflower, peas, sunflower, brinjal, coffee, tea, ginger, turmeric, pepper, betel vine, cardamom cotton, tomato, chillies, potato, citrus, onion, groundnut etc. Trichoderma fungus may suppress the growth of the pathogen population in the rhizosphere through competition and thus reduce disease development. It produces antibiotics and toxins like trichothecin and Trichodermin, a sesquiterpine that has a direct effect on other organisms.
A dynamic growth of biological trichoderma viride fungicide overshadows the pathogenic fungi, which are overpowered and prevented from infecting the plants. They can be blocked and managed by different methods before pathogens attempt infection by germinating seeds or roots. They have developed various mechanisms for both attacking other fungi and enhancing plant and root growth such as mycoparasitis, antibiosis, nutrient or space competition, stress tolerance through increased root and plant production, inorganic nutrient solubilization and sequestration.
Benefits of Trichoderma Bio Fungicide
· Disease Control: Trichoderma is an effective biocontrol agent that is commonly used in soil born diseases. It has been widely used against pathogenic fungi of various genera, i.e. Fusarium, Scelerotia, Phytopthara, etc.
· Plant Growth Promoter: Trichoderma strains are solubilizing micronutrients and phosphates. The application of plants of Trichoderma strains increases the number of deep roots, thus increasing the ability of the plant to withstand drought.
· Biochemical Elicitors of Disease: It is recognized that trichoderma strains induce resistance in plants. It is now known that three groups of compounds are generated by Trichoderma and induce plant resistance. Such compounds induce the development of ethylene, hypersensitive responses and other reactions in plant cultivars related to protection.
· Transgenic Plants: The introduction of Trichoderma endochitinase gene into plants such as tobacco and potato plants has improved their fungal growth resistance.
· Bioremediation: In the bioremediation of soil polluted with pesticides and herbicides, trichoderma strains play an important role. These have the ability to kill a number of insecticides, including organochlorines, organophosphates and carbonates.
Trichoderma bio-fungicide is used to protect crops such as cotton, soybean, sugar cane, sugarbeet, eggplant, red gram, bengal gram, banana, cardamom etc. You do not use any chemical fungicide after application of Trichoderma for 4–5 days. Trichoderma biofungicide is compatible with biofertilizers like Rhizobium, Azospirillum, Bacillus Subtilis and Phosphobacteria. Trichoderma can be added to metalaxyl or thiram-treated plants, but not mercurials. It can be used as a tank combination of organic fungicides.
Anand Agro Care is a leading Trichoderma bio fungicide manufacturer in India, is a sole proprietorship owned firm, which came into existence in the year 2009. The specialty of our business is to produce and export a wide range of Bio Fertilizers, EDTA Chelated Micronutrients, Bio Fungicides, Bio Insecticides, Bio Nematicides, Plant Nutrition, etc. Our Dr. Bacto’s Herz product is a Trichoderma bio fungicide in India containing Mycoparasitic Fungi spores and conidia. Dr. Bacto’s Herz prevents seedlings from attacks by soil-borne pathogens causing root / collar / stem rots, wilts, damping offs, leaf blights, etc. By providing state-of — the-art technology and a wide range of products that cover the entire needs of a plant, we fulfill our customers ‘ requirements through creative and diversified agro inputs.
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