4 min readMay 5, 2022


Trichoderma is a species of soil-dwelling fungus found worldwide that is highly effective in colonizing the roots of many types of plants and in preventing fungi that cause many diseases. It was one of the first commercially available bio-fungicides.

Strain T-22 will form close ties with plant roots and colonize them. These colonies keep the fungus in a good place to fight other fungi and parasites in the soil. It can inhibit fungal soil-borne pathogens, including Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Sclerotinia, Pythium, and Phytophthora.


Trichoderma bio fungicide in India works best on non-growing plants. If your seedlings are already at their peak, you will not see any effect of adding these microbes. However, if the conditions are sub-optimal, the yield increases from 10–20% to 300%. The following guide gives tips on how to increase plant growth and make the best use of this fungus.

How Trichoderma Interacts with Plants

Plant Root Colonization

Once in the soil, this fungus settles in the roots of plants. Growing on the roots and in the rhizosphere, it creates a physical barrier to prevent the growth of the fungus which may otherwise cause disease to the plant.

Plants often produce chemicals to protect themselves, and Trichoderma bio fungicide in India is resistant to many of them, helping to colonize the roots. And it does so without interfering with other microorganisms that help plants, such as Mycorrhiza or Rhizobium (a nitrogen-fixing bacterium).


Trichoderma bio fungicide can improve plant health even in the absence of pathogens. The growth of fungi is good in acidic soils and thus helps in creating a nutritious environment for the release of organic acids.

These acids have an additional effect that is very beneficial for plants — they can dissolve phosphate and mineral ions, such as iron, magnesium and manganese. This means that they facilitate the decomposition of these minerals, making them easier for plants to absorb. Soils often lack such nutrients. Plant production increases when the soil is really bad.

Stimulation of Plant Defense Mechanisms

You may not know that plants have an immune system. They are able to detect invading pathogens and activate a cascade of reactions to produce chemicals to defend themselves.

Trichoderma bio fungicide has been shown to be able to activate plant protection responses, allowing plants to control certain soil infections, but their effects are not limited to soil-borne pathogens. Botrytis is an example, a debilitating upper fungus that is sometimes controlled using Trichoderma.

How Trichoderma Interacts with Other Microorganisms

Part of what makes Trichoderma bio fungicide in India such an effective biocontrol agent is that it uses a variety of mechanisms. This makes it extremely difficult for its target organisms to develop resistance as they must be resistant to many different systems at once.

Parasitism of Other Fungi

Trichoderma bio fungicide can directly parasitize other fungi. First, it connects them. It then wraps around them and forms a structure that can penetrate them. In addition, it produces fungal enzymes that break down fungal cell walls. This process is called mycoparasitism, myco is a fungus.

Most fungal cell walls contain chitin, and the T-22 strain, in particular, produces an enzyme called chitinase, which can damage the walls of its host cells. Trichoderma protects itself from the formation of chitinase.

Antibiotic Production

In addition to physically parasitizing other fungi, Trichoderma bio fungicide in India can chemically attack them. It does this by producing toxic chemicals for the fungus. Some of these compounds are volatile and travel through the air. Chitinases and antibiotics affect the target fungus more effectively than the product alone.

Anand Agro Care is a leading Trichoderma bio fungicide manufacturer in India, is a sole proprietorship owned firm, which came into existence in the year 2009. The specialty of our business is to produce and export a wide range of Bio Fertilizers, EDTA Chelated Micronutrients, Bio Fungicides, Bio Insecticides, Bio Nematicides, Plant Nutrition, etc. Our Dr.

Bacto’sHerz product is a Trichoderma bio fungicide in India containing Mycoparasitic Fungi spores and conidia. Dr. Bacto’sHerz prevents seedlings from attacks by soil-borne pathogens causing root / collar / stem rots, wilts, damping offs, leaf blights, etc. By providing state-of — the-art technology and a wide range of products that cover the entire needs of a plant, we fulfill our customers ’ requirements through creative and diversified agro inputs.

More about information for Trichoderma bio fungicide in India then Visit our site :-




Written by Anandagrocare

Anand Agro Care, Nashik (India) established in the year 2009 is one of the well-known enterprise highly engrossed in manufacturing and supplying of Bio fertiliz

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